প্রতিষ্ঠানের নাম:
ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ, মোবাইল বা একটি স্মার্ট ডিভাইস, কাগজ-কলম এবং নোট করার জন্য অন্যান্য প্রয়জনীয় সামগ্রী
Geotechnical engineering is the important for every structure, since all structures rest on soil. The
stability of these structures depends upon behavior of soil and bearing capacity of soil to carry
loads under different loading conditions. Formation of soil and rocks, defects in rocks, soil
behavior, and soil as an engineering material are essential parameter to an engineer. The design
of foundation of buildings, dam, towers, embankments, roads, railways, retaining walls, bridges is
mainly governed by these above stated parameters. The content of this subject are also useful in
designing basement, underground tank and under water structures. Knowledge of geology, soil
characteristics and stress distribution under loading on soil, bearing capacity of soil is also useful
to every engineer in the design, execution and stability analysis of structures.
-> সিভিল টেকনোলজি
১৩ বিভাগ . ১৭ লেকচার . মোট দৈর্ঘ্য ১০ ঘণ্টা ১৮ মিঃ
প্রশিক্ষক রেটিং