স্টাডি ম্যাটেরিয়ালস

Department : electronics-technology-2016-probidhan

Semester 1
Code Course Name Theory Practical Credits
66811 Basic Electronics 2 3 3
65913 Chemistry 3 3 4
66712 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals 3 3 4
61011 Engineering Drawing 0 6 2
65911 Mathematics-I 3 3 4
65812 Physical Education & Life Skill Development 0 3 1
65811 Social Science 3 0 3
Semester 2
Code Course Name Theory Practical Credits
65711 Bangla 3 3 4
66611 Computer Application 0 6 2
66821 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3 3 4
65712 English 2 0 2
65921 Mathematics-II 3 3 4
65912 Physics -1 3 3 4
Semester 3
Code Course Name Theory Practical Credits
66831 Advanced Electronic Devices and Circuits 3 3 4
66835 Basic Communication Engineering 2 3 3
65722 Communicative English 1 3 2
66833 Electronic Appliances 2 3 3
65931 Mathematics-III 3 3 4
66832 PCB Design and Prototyping 0 6 2
65922 Physics -2 3 3 4
Semester 4
Code Course Name Theory Practical Credits
65841 Business Organization & Communication 2 0 2
66743 Electrical Circuits & Machine 3 3 4
66844 Electronic Servicing -1 0 3 1
66845 Industrial Electronics 2 3 3
66841 Networks, Filters & Transmission Lines 3 3 4
66842 Principles of Digital Electronics 3 3 4
66631 Programming Essentials 2 3 3
Semester 5
Code Course Name Theory Practical Credits
65851 Accounting Theory & Practice 2 3 3
66853 Advanced Communication Engineering 3 3 4
66854 Advanced Digital Electronics 3 3 4
66852 Electronic Measuring Instruments 2 3 3
66855 Electronic Servicing -II 0 3 1
69054 Environmental Studies 2 0 2
66851 Radio & Television Engineering 3 3 4
Semester 6
Code Course Name Theory Practical Credits
66861 Electronic Measurements 2 3 3
66865 Electronic Project -1 (Contd...) 0 6 2
65852 Industrial Management 2 0 2
66863 Instrumentation & Process Control 2 3 3
66864 Microcontroller & embedded system 2 3 3
66662 Microprocessor and Interfacing 2 3 3
66862 TV Broadcasting and Studio 2 3 3
Semester 7
Code Course Name Theory Practical Credits
66873 Bio-Medical Instrument 3 3 4
66871 Computer Control System & Robotics 3 3 4
66875 Electronic Project -2 0 6 2
66874 Industrial Automation & PLC 3 3 4
65853 Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2 0 2
66872 Microwave, Radar & Navigation Aids 3 3 4
Semester 8
Code Course Name Theory Practical Credits