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Some tips to maintain interest in studies


27 March 2024



The struggle to maintain interest in studying is faced by almost all students to some extent. However, to achieve good results, motivation in studies must be maintained.

So today, I'll share some special tips for staying motivated in studies:

👉🏼 If studying in the same way feels monotonous, try changing to a different "study style." For example, if studying alone doesn't feel good, try group study sessions.

👉🏼 Many people prefer only reading, while others find it boring to just study. In that case, taking notes while studying and creating diagrams, especially, can be helpful.

👉🏼 Try to figure out how what you're learning can be practically applied in real life. Practical learning isn't just a different study method; it's the most effective method for real-life applications.

👉🏼 When studying difficult subjects, instead of trying to tackle the entire thing at once, break it down into smaller goals. This way, you'll achieve a sense of satisfaction after completing each small goal.


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