Basic Python with Project Play Trailer

Basic Python with Project

Institute Name: EduCity Engineering Zone

5 (2 Reviews)

Last Updated : 26 March 2025

What you will learn in this course

  • For those who wants to get hands on programming

Internet connection, mobile or a target device, pen and other applicable materials for note-taking


lass 1: Introduction to Python, Variables and Data Types

  • What is Python? Why is Python the best programming language? Where is Python used?
  • Install Python, IDE, LAB setup and basic syntax.
  • Variables, rules of variables, multiple variables and values, global variables.
  • Introduction to different data types

Class 2: Numbers, Casting and Operators

  • Integers, floating point and complex numbers, casting from one number to another.
  • Arithmetic operators, assignment operators, comparison operators, logical operators, identity operators, membership operators, bitwise operators.

Class 3: Booleans, Conditional Statements and Loops

  • Boolean True and False.
  • Conditional if, if-else, elif, (and, or, not) in conditional statements, nested if, if-else, pass statements.
  • While loop, Break Statement, Continue Statement
  • For loop, for loop and string, break, continue statement, Range() function, else and for loop, Nested Loops, pass Statement.

Class 4: Strings and First Project

  • String assignment, multiline strings, string arrays, strings and loops, string len(), string searching, Slicing Strings, Slice From the Start, Slice To the End, Negative Indexing, string modification (Upper Case, Lower case, Remove, replace, split), String Concatenation, String Formatting, Escape Characters, and string methods.

Class 4 will be a project that will practice everything that has been learned so far.

Class 5: Lists and Tuples

  • List items and list properties, types, access items, navigate indexing, navigate indexing Range, Item existence checking, item change, insert(), append(), extend(), remove(), pop(), del, clear(), list and loop, List Comprehension, sorting, copy lists, join lists and other methods
  • Tuple items and tuple properties, types, access tuple items, navigate tuple, Range, Item existence checking, item change method, Unpack Tuples, tuple and loop, join Tuple and other methods.

Class 6: Sets, Dictionaries and Functions

  • Set items and set properties, types, access items, add items (add(), update()), remove items (remove(), discard(), pop(), clear()…) loop and set, join sets, and other methods.
  • Dictionary items and dictionary properties, Access Dictionary, change Item, Remove Items, Loop Dictionaries, Nested Dictionaries, and dictionary methods.
  • Function creation, function call, arguments, Arbitrary arguments

Class 7: File Handling and Exception Handling

  • Syntax, read mode, write mode, append mode, read and write file, close file.
  • Use of Try, except, else, finally blocks.

Class 8: Modules (Pandas) and Others

  • Use of Pip, pandas series, dataFrames, CSV file, JSON file read, Data cleaning.

Class 9: Project

Who is this course for:

-> Computer Science and Technology

Course Content

5 sections . 5 lectures . Total length ০৩ ঘণ্টা ১৯ মিঃ

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python live class

1 lectures
25 minutes

Python live class, Day-1

Preview ০০:২৫:২১

Python live class

1 lectures
41 minutes

Python live class, Day-2

Preview ০০:৪১:৪০

Python live class

1 lectures
37 minutes

Python live class, Day-3

Preview ০০:৩৭:৩৭

Python live class

1 lectures
51 minutes

Python live class, Day-4

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Python live class

1 lectures
43 minutes

Python live class, Day-5

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4.8 Instructor Rating

314 Students

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